Hope Vancouver Tri Cities Brand Photography Videographyeveryone is staying safe and healthy out there! We are doing great (under the strange circumstances surrounding COVID-19) but as some of you may know… we love to keep growing and adapting no matter the circumstances! That said, we really miss working awesome events and galas! We even have new photobooth-related offerings that were ready for launch before the event restrictions came into play (insert sad face). But that’s okay! This whole situation has given us more perspective on what type of marketing and advertising works in this day and age. We have been involved in and LOVE the local communities supporting small businesses. To that end, we have witnessed or seen on social media, how much support has been given to some of the businesses struggling to make ends meet after losing a huge percentage of their regular income.

To that end, I’ve observed, we have tested, and we have proven that it is SO IMPORTANT for businesses to tell their story, and get their story out to their local communities. Not just their story, but showcase their new offerings/services to the public. Your community cares and they will support you if they know about you. We have always offered Branding Video services but right now, we want to help more businesses get the word out so I’ve created a mini brand highlight video package that uses our storytelling ability to get your name out there. We’ll film you, your product/service and create an awesome 1-2 minute highlight video that you can share to your community (and the world), help highlight your business on our social/website channels. All in a very efficient way, I might add. Why efficient? Because it’s already overdue… everyday that you don’t have your story shared is a day of revenue lost.

In the first few weeks of businesses being closed down, I helped a couple of neighbours of our studio put together a quick video to be shared on Facebook. Both of their businesses wholesaled food products to hotels and restaurants. Of course, being closed, their business had dropped to virtually $0 income. They both adapted by creating retail packages that could be sold to the public. Through their videos, they were able to share a bit about their business history, a bit about their new products, and was able to put a face to their name. After posting it online, it went viral through the local community. This result came within’ days of posting the video. Week after week, they both have been selling out of product since. That… is the power of 3 things: Local Community Support, Pivoting A Business, Telling a Brand Story. Now we can’t take credit of the first two of course. But… if you give us a chance, we can really help you with the 3rd one and help create content for you to tell your story.

Brand Highlight Video: $750.00 + GST

    • 60 minutes onsite filming (social distance guidelines applies / outdoors at shopfront only if it’s not possible indoors)
    • 1-2 minute story video
    • Video hosted on Butter Studios Vimeo account
    • Video file provided by download link
  • Can be embedded to your business website as well for future branding use



**subject to review by Butter Studios to ensure there is no conflict with our brand core values and views